As shown from the letters of Poulia, Lesbians soap makers and especially the ones of Plomari, had already used from the beginning of the 19th century – as tools of the trade – companies, established on a fixed term and branches in key commercial hubs (eg . Xanthi, Kavala, Konstantinoupole, Piraeus, Redesto, Varna, Trabzon etc.)
IN Plomari soap production making and oil mills spread over four sites. In Area A, towards Ammoudeli are olive mills and soap factories of Athanasiadis, Voulala and Timoleon Lagoumidi (later after 1916 was bought by Bros Georganteli) .The soap factory of Athanasiadis was a brick building with hanging and was called “Alektor” (Rooster), perhaps due to the weathercock on top. When the workers wanted to dry the soap asked another worker outside building “pou lougiaz i piknos” and then opened the windows of the side the air was blowing.
Between soap factory located towards the sea and the olive mill of Athanasiadis (which later became the cooperative “ELIA”, which had a smokestack) was the olive mill and soap factory of Vooulala that the chimney has survived till today.
In the same building complex and directly opposite was the olive mill and soap factory of Timoleon Lagoumidi, which was bought by the Georganteli Brothers and the 300 bushels of property in place Kalamos (between Vourkou and Vasilikon) with gold (pounds) they brought. The estate belonged to Turks and was exchangeable. The new chimney of Georgantelies, built with kourasani still standing with the initials “Α Γ”, formed by ouzo bottle bottoms from the assistant craftsman K. PITSILADI and originated treats!
In the second area, Tarsanas, were the soap factories, olive mills and refineries of Xyptera, Papoutsanis, Fratzoglou, Mamakou or Makela, Tragaki, Georganteli and Alkaiou Metaxas.
The soap factory and olive mill of Papoutsanis was the first steam Plomari (1870), had a boat and second soap factory in Smirni. They say that one of the two soap Smyrna had indigo color and that might be what lead to Mulharem (Turkish soap maker of Smirni), which states in his book “Stroll in the Middle East” by George Gianoulelis.
In the third area along the river Sedountas were the soap factories of Poulia, Pitsiladi and later Chatzivasileious. The last one distinguished for the excellent green soap it produced, having adapted to the Greek market requirements (after 1922) lasted until the NAZI occupation and it was then sold – along with the olive mill to John Kaldi, who also had a gazozen car. Pitsiladi soap industry came from a family of captains.
Many has been said for Poulia soap factory. Nowadays its a museum of soap making and its premises are suitable to host a number of events and conferences. His historical record, as the one of Georganteli Hatzivassiliou form the basis for each investigator. I.Pothlias was also the Mayor of Plomari during 1912 season.
If we situate the soap factory of Arapoglou brothers which was in current waterfront in region A (towards Ammoudeli) then in region D is left only with the ruined complex which was refineries and the soap factory of Sarantis Zaloumis (which was on the road to Saint Isidore) and later the Papageorgiou and Votsalou.
Economic history and laboratory making of soap product by the environmental group of children Plomariou School and their teachers D. Ververi, E. Galetsa, Ch. Petrellis and P. Fryda.