Mountainous Plomari

Walking routes in Μountainous Plomari and in its villages well known as Plomaritoxoria.

The more mountainous regions of Plomari are distinguished for their geomorphology and rich vegetation mainly olive trees -2.150.000 olive trees, as recorded in 1961-, whose cultivation was the main source for the region’s economy. It resulted in the development of a dense network of paved streets, most of which have been renovated today. Maps for these routes can be found in central spots at Plomari, like at the market, the ‘Benjamin Lesvios’ square and elsewhere, and interested parties can also look into a relevant guide.


Εικ.1 Σπίτια σκαρφαλωμένα  στα βουνά. Fig. 1 Houses perched on the mountains

Fig. 1 Houses perched on the mountains.

Εικ.2 Εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες σέτια στο ορεινό Πλωμάρι. Fig.2 Hundreds thousands  Setia ιn mountoneous Plomari

Fig.2 Hundreds thousands Setia in mountainous Plomari.

Εικ.3  Λιθόστρωτo μονοπάτι. Fig. 3 Cobbled path

Fig. 3 Cobbled path.

Each village of Plomari bears a special interest, like Ampeliko with its folk museum, resin-collection museum and resin park, Akrasi with its beautiful square and folk museum, Neochori and Palaiochori which are lovely settlement with beautiful industrial heritage buildings, Megalochori (Old Plomari), which is the homeland of Benjamin Lesvios, member of the Filiki etairia and resident of the Aegean during the 1821 war of Independence and which also disposes 2 important 18th century churches, Plagia with the most and most ancient traces of habitation and the picturesque Trigonas.


Εικ.4 Χωριό Ακράσι. Fig.4 Akrasi village

Fig.4 Akrasi village.

Εικ.5 Νεοχώρι. Fig.5 Neochori

Fig.5 Neochori.

Εικ.6 Παλαιοχώρι. Fig.6 Palaeochori

Fig.6 Palaeochori.

Εικ.7 Μεγαλοχώρι (Παλιό Πλωμάρι). Fig.7 Megalochori(old Plomari)

Fig.7 Megalochori (old Plomari).

Moreover, there is particular interest in the almost abandoned settlements of Kato Chorio, Milies, Kournela, Mesouna, Limni, Valania, Lovochori etc. Some have started to receive new inhabitants over the past few years.

One of the most beautiful trips in Plomari and not only is in the gorge of Sedountas river which involves the homonym river, great natural wealth and biodiversity, as well as numerous human monuments, such as terraces – setia with elaborate stairs, cobbled paths, country churches and even mansions, wooden bridges, watermills, oil-presses, ntamia, etc.


Εικ.8 Υπέροχη διαδρομή. Fig.8 A wonderful route

Fig.8 A wonderful route.

Εικ.9 Νταμια και σέτια με πολύχρωμες πέτρες. Fig.9 Ntamia and setia with multicolored stones

Fig.9 Ntamia and setia with multicolored stones.

Εικ. 10 Αι Γιώργης. Fig. 10 Ai Giorgis

Fig. 10 Ai Giorgis.

Εικ. 11 Στην Άμαξο, Παναγία Αηδονιάτισα. Fig.11 In Amakso, Panagia Aidoniatissa

Fig.11 In Amakso, Panagia Aidoniatissa.

Εικ. 12 Ξύλινο Γεφυράκι στον Ποταμό Σεδούντα. Fig. 12 Wooden bridge in the Sedountas river

Fig. 12 Wooden bridge in the Sedountas river.

Εικ 13 Νταμι. Ntami

Fig. 13 Ntami.

Literature: Cultural and Environmental Promenade at Plomari, p.167, July 2014,

Edit. Cultural Associationof Plomari “Polion”

Photos archive of Cultural Association of Plomari “Polion”