
Plomari has a rich and notable traditional architecture, even within the limited scope of traditional architecture in Lesvos, due to its great financial industrial development in the late 19th century and early 20th century. The typology and morphology of its residences, both mansions and commoners’ houses, refer to a major urban center with the most characteristic mansions and commoners’ houses in the island of Lesvos, after Mytilene. Moreover, Plomari stands out for its most particularly interesting urban planning web.

The lack of an institutional framework for the preservation of the settlement as a whole (it has not been declared a traditional settlement), in combination with a high building activity, involves the risk to alter and lose one of its major comparative advantages, i.e. its architectural and urban planning aspect.

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Fig. 1 Neoclassical houses along the river Sedountas

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Fig.2. Typical houses with “sahnissi”


More informations: Cultural and Environmental Promenade at Plomari. Edit.:Cultural Assotiation of Plomari “Polion”, July2014, p 167.