Plomari, Lesvos, Greece
POLION is a cultural and environmental association located in Plomari Lesvos, Greece established at 1999. The scope of POLION is to thrust the local development by a long life education process, especially targeting to adults and sensibilised citizens. Dissemination of knowledge through local or regional events is one of the fundamentals aims of POLION. Events, that POLION has organized are musical meetings of traditional musical instruments, conferences on traditional arts and crafts, events on “Folk Culture and Development”, events on the traditional ship and soap industries of the region, technical seminars for the assessment of earthquake risk management and informative meetings for forest fires. POLION has organised different quality events on training the local people on cultural and Heritage matters as well as on natural environment protection.
Our Organisation has participated in the EU Grundtvig project «TRAILS OF EUROPE: WALK, SEE, FEEL AND DO», which aims at studying and enhancing “learning trail” technique as one of the best methods for developing basic skills in adults. All the participating institutions want to develop the learning competencies of their learners in order to improve the employability skills of disadvantaged target groups who lack confidence in their own abilities to succeed. These groups may vary from institution to institution, but will include women returnees to the labour market, migrants, young people taking their first steps into employment, disabled people and those living in rural areas. We want to increase the self-motivation and self-confidence of learners through innovative pedagogical methodologies and raise learners´ awareness of the European community.
POLION’s role in the project was to put in order and select from the collection of good practices some case studies for didactic use and edit the collection of Good Practices. We have participated to the common workshop and to the international course which will spread the results of the project L.I.F.E.
The last 3 years, there have been early evening lessons about creative entertainment for children, including folk dances, painting, music (choirs and musical instruments) and many more.
These days, the program “Cultural and Environmental routes Plomari” is being implemented.
polion.plomari@otenet.gr , tel 0030-6977 39 68 26, 0030 2252032867